Your cat brings great joy to your life and you want to provide her with the best possible care. To help you, we have compiled health and wellness advice and tips from feline veterinarians. These tips and advice will help you to learn how to keep your kitty happy and healthy.
You want to do your very best to keep your cat happy and healthy. So, we have compiled comprehensive advice and tips from feline veterinarians to help guide you on caring for your cat.
No one likes to think about their cat getting sick or contracting a disease, but unfortunately there are many diseases your cat could contract. It is important for you to be informed, understand what signs and symptoms to look for, and most importantly how you can prevent your cat from contracting certain avoidable diseases.
We’ve compiled information regarding some of the most common feline diseases. You can learn about prevention, signs and symptoms, how your cat could contract this disease, and treatment options.
Maybe you’ve wondered, “Why does my cat behave that way?” because it just makes no sense to you. We have some answers to your questions that will help you to understand your cat’s unique characteristics and behavior. Once you understand a bit more about their behavior and nature, then you can figure out how to accommodate or modify that behavior so you and your fur baby can live happily ever after.
Being a cat friendly caregiver starts with learning about cats’ natural behaviors so that you understand why they act the way they do. Then you need to apply that knowledge when interacting and caring for your cat.
Learn how to keep your cat happy, healthy, safe, and calm in and out of your home. Below are some helpful topics to creating a Cat Friendly Home.
Feline Asthma
St. Francis Animal Rescue - Venice
Quality of Life - How do I Know When It's Time?
Pet Insurance
Could your cat have arthritis?
Feline Osteoarthritis Checklist | Zoetis Petcare
Use this checklist to identify your cat’s activities and behaviors that may be signs of osteoarthritis. Then click “See Report”. Your responses can be printed or emailed to share with your veterinarian.
Feline Musculoskeletal Pain
Certainly, cats slow down somewhat as they get older. But a lot of the slowing down you see in older cats is due to joint pain, making performing daily living activities more difficult to do, and making cats reluctant to do them. If you are wondering whether your cat is slowing down due to age, or whether there is joint pain present, consider answering the FMPI questionnaire.
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